jaanam dekh lo miT ga'ii.n duuriyaa.n... | Darling, look around; the distance between us is dispelled. |
mai.n yahaa.n huu.n yahaa.n huu.n yahaa.n huu.n yahaa.n | I'm here, I'm here, I'm here, here! |
jaanam dekh lo miT ga'ii.n duuriyaa.n | Darling, look around; the distance between us is dispelled. |
mai.n yahaa.n huu.n yahaa.n huu.n yahaa.n huu.n yahaa.n | I'm here, I'm here, I'm here, here! |
kaisii sarhade.n kaisii majbuuriyaa.n | What borders are there now? What obstacles? |
mai.n yahaa.n huu.n yahaa.n huu.n yahaa.n huu.n yahaa.n | I'm here, I'm here, I'm here, here. |
tum chupa na sakogii mai.n voh raaz huu.n | I'm the secret that you can't hide; |
tum bhula na sakogii voh a.ndaaz huu.n | I'm the impulse that you can't forget. |
guu.njtaa huu.n jo dil me.n to hairaan ho kyo.n | When I echo in your heart, why are you surprised? |
mai.n tumhaare hii dil kii to aawaaz huu.n | I'm your heart's very voice. |
sun sako to suno dhaRkano.n kii zubaan | If you can hear it, then listen to the language of your heartbeat. |
mai.n yahaa.n huu.n yahaa.n huu.n yahaa.n huu.n yahaa.n | I'm here, I'm here, I'm here, here. |
kaisii sarhade.n kaisii majbuuriyaa.n | What borders are there now? What obstacles? |
mai.n yahaa.n huu.n yahaa.n huu.n yahaa.n huu.n yahaa.n | I'm here, I'm here, I'm here, here. |
mai.n hii mai.n ab tumhaare khayaalo.n me.n huu.n | Now I and only I occupy your thoughts; |
mai.n jawaabo.n me.n huu.n mai.n sawaalo.n me.n huu.n | I'm in the answers you receive and the questions you ask. |
mai.n tumhaare har ek khwaab me.n huu.n basaa | I'm at the center of every one of your dreams; |
mai.n tumhaarii nazar ke ujaalo.n me.n huu.n | I'm the light that shines from your eyes. |
dekhtii ho mujhe dekhtii ho jahaa.n | Wherever you look, you see me; |
mai.n yahaa.n huu.n yahaa.n huu.n yahaa.n huu.n yahaa.n | I'm here, I'm here, I'm here, here. |
jaanam dekh lo miT ga'ii.n duuriyaa.n | Darling, look around; the distance between us is dispelled. |
mai.n yahaa.n huu.n yahaa.n huu.n yahaa.n huu.n yahaa.n | I'm here, I'm here, I'm here, here! |
kaisii sarhade.n kaisii majbuuriyaa.n | What borders are there now? What obstacles? |
mai.n yahaa.n huu.n yahaa.n huu.n yahaa.n huu.n yahaa.n... | I'm here, I'm here, I'm here, here. |
Saturday, December 20, 2008
MAIN YAHAAN HOON !!! song of the mont1h
Friday, December 19, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Random ramblings
I think its stupid people push you in to wearing burka's and make it seem and sound like the most important thing in islam while, wearing it they don't care what the girl does !!! Is it like once you wear it , you are this most angelic person ever and there is nothing wrong about you no matter what sin u commit u arent going to be tainted with names nor wrath from the god? I just am making a statement that you cant cover up your everyday sins by just wearing a burka.
Please dont kill me for this !!!
people just make religions sounds funnier and dumber by day
Sunday, November 30, 2008
secrets are healthy to listen to ...

1- he is still in love with this other girl from his past rather than his current fiance
4- he lost his job because he voted for a change.
6- she got pregnant to get attention
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
BABY - 9 months and a miracle...
i have a little fetus inside my tummy
and to hear its heart beat it was funny
this little peanut with no shape at all
yet to hear a tiny lub dub makes me tall
i can see that fetus has grown
the lovely little thing on its own
i can hear the heart is stronger
and its tail and limbs are now longer
my tummy is a big big ball
and there's a baby in its own world
it kicks and moves around
conscious of me and daddy's sound
the doc said the lil guys a dude
i knew it all along for he was shrewd
he'd kick for his father's stories
and silently give me the worries
the day finally comes for me to pop
the pain has gone to the top
along comes my lil baby boy
where his dad and i feel the joy
a cry to know hes alive and out of harm
in hours he falls asleep in granny's arm
nine months and to see this lil miracle here
im blessed with joyful tear
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The story of Anni and Mau
special thank to Bandey and Naththu
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Just an over dramatic post
Nights passed when I could not sleep. I lay awake listening to the clock ticks away with my mind settled on one face, and I played all the memories of those touch and soothing voice. This was a feeling I was entirely new to. A feeling that was not an obsession, or an infatuations. The feeling that makes me fly rather than want to fly. Makes me touch the heaven than long for it. A feeling of wanting to be like this always. But...
But it didn't go like that. I had to go. Back to a world where the happiness reaches through small pin holes. Like a prisoner confined to a cell in a dark dungeon in solitude appreciate the tiniest bit of sunlight that reach him all I could do was keep on wishing for and waiting for the day to soak in the rays of the sun and enjoy its true warmth.
Okay enough with the bull shit... what I am trying to say is I am going to miss you bloody lot and I cant wait to get back home again. and I haven't left yet.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Presidential Election - Last day of campaigns
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Lost and Found...
I was who I was because of me
and I am myself because I am me
Gone was the time when I used to cry
Toture and lie
Counting the stars far out in the sky
When non would work out for all those why
Pouring my heart out on the pages with ink
Then burn them with flame just in a blink
Shame and disgrace washed on my heart
Screams of the past rips heart apart
I was who I was because of me
I am myself because I am me
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Broken Girlmature
*** an email I recieved , from a random person who i have no idea of... but thought id post it here so alot more of you can understand her pain and share it with her...
The dead amongst living;
A ghost-girl.
Surrounded by her family, and those once called friends
She's scared of every one of them, and feels hate
For the way they smile, pretend everything's okay
Well, fuck you! she wants to scream, you were there for me too late.
Because of Him, she feels no pleasure
Can't take joy in the warmth of the sun
All the flowers and animals she once loved
She now hates, for what he has done.
Why her? She once so loved the world
Before he poisoned all passion in her heart
She's robotic, unfeeling; so afraid if she cares
Someone she trusts will again rip her apart.
She can never forgive and never forget
The scars a constant reminder of the pain
When her innocence was torn away from her
Body abused; pleas scorned with disdain.
Mutilated by petrol and flame
By the stench of her own charred flesh asphyxiated
And his twisted laughter drilling into her ears
As she sobs on the floor, humiliated.
Rope slicing into the skin on her wrists
Drowning in a cascade of salty tears
Spreadeagled; degraded; far less than a whore
And Him towering above her, mouth spread in evil leers.
No matter how much she washes and scrubs
Her body feels impure, tainted with sin
She can still feel those grubby hands on her flesh
Groping, ripping, burrowing in.
And the knife remains in her nightmares
The blade used to carve open her body
Her arms and neck, prepubescent chest
Her screams, to him, sweet melody.
She still can't sleep with the door closed
Claustrophobic from all the hours, days, weeks
She was imprisoned in a secret den with locked doors
Her body being used for sexual thrill peaks.
Sadistic excitement from seeing her blood
And the whip-weals on what once was pure
Her pain, to him, an aphrodisiac
To his insecurities, dominance the cure.
But she gives not a damn for the problems he had
He's warped her mind and beaten down her soul
Taking away all she could have had
Tarring what was innocent and whole.
She weeps over lost rainbows
All the hopes and dreams he destroyed
She'll never let herself love again
Nothing can ever fill that void.
At night, every shadow to her is Him
Coming back to harm her again
To grip her throat, and force her down
Decorate the bedroom floor with bloodstain.
Her mother still goes to visit Him
In the prison where he's iron-clad
But the girl he has broken will never again
Refer to him as her Dad.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Flickr Roadha Veelu 2008 @ Kam Hotel 26th Sep 2008

Flickr Roadha Veelu 2008 @ Kam Hotel 26th Sep 2008, originally uploaded by double DOT (Vote for Change).
Flickrer's gather again
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
UTI and EF of the health care system
phases of tolerating extreme pain and discomfort
Phase one extreme Pain and lot of painful peeing and no clinics open (7:30 am to 10 :15 am)
what the fuck is wrong with the male' health care facilities, it so fucking frustrating to go see a doctor. in IGM
hospital the fuck i have to fill a form after fucking showing my ID card while i am twitching with agony. emergency
yeah right. to find a doctor it took them so bloody long. and what about the fucking other clinics and ADK. we are sorry doctors will start their duties at 10 o'clock. ADk and IGM are fucking hospitals that are suppose to give 24 hour sevices efficiently and effectively. kiss my ass when these presidential candidates one by one come up and say health care system here and there blah blah... medical universities, easier medical attetntions, more services cheaper medicals...why the bloody hell dont you make your doctors be there in there rooms and provide docs for the casualty when the other ones doing rounds, surgery or whate ver. there is a hospital that charges u 200Rf extra if u go in to the emergency room with a walking patient despite patients medical needs... argh...
mad meter = 99.99%
pain tolerance = 0
Phase two extreme pain and no toilets to pee and no doctors in sight( 9: 30 am to 10 30 am)
where the hell is the doctors? dont they know they like have duties... calm down ... dont break down... thats it mom lets get to amdc... and i need to bloody pee
mad meter = 110%
lesson learnt no peeing in public toilets ever again
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
drowning in infatuation
deluded, i've no clue
pure of heart or not i don't know
hoping for the best
i give it a go
let this be my chance again
to get back a lost dream
all i can do is hope
the rest is up to you
you are always in my mind i don't know why
Sunday, September 21, 2008
my mother blogs
all she knows at the moment is to write and post and is bugging me about teaching her to comment on other blogs
Friday, September 19, 2008
KISS AND RUN - i might...
Is being scared of relationship an excuse not to have one or go out on a date. Fear of relationship is one of the most famous things to talk about. Commitment fear is mostly talked in terms of men and little less when it comes to women. While many says typically men fear commitment because of the loss of their freedom … but its myth forget it, it also a girl thing.
While many say that girls get the fear of commitment, because they get their hearts ripped out and gets dumped one too many time. While that may be a reason what about the fact they feel not good enough or has a dirty secret that they think the guys would not like? Yes they can be a reason too. In fact there are a lot of reasons that they might not and I can go on listing out a lot of it that psychologists has come up with but I wont’. You see people can easily give reasons to things and can give tips, advices and a lot of help in forms to give you confidence about overcoming it. but it is you who knows how tough it is to act it out. People will say I feel you but really do they? Yes I am a kiss and run girl, I am scared of commitment, while my ma and a lot in my family believes that its because I am hung up on one man and my friends think the same … I believe that its because I am scared of losing a new found freedom that has lasted for two years almost now… and I am happy being married to a laptop who totally understands me, loves me back even though every once in a while I curse him.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Different Maldivian fish types exposed...
Valhomas (smoked fish)
Hikimas (dried fish)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
imposter parents for PT meetings

Looking back at those days at school during my o’levels and a’levels, I remember what I dreaded most – the parent teacher meetings. I guess even today it remains the same for most of the students. When it comes to parents meeting the school teachers, supervisors or the administrators it becomes a nightmare. Back during those days us students used to take our brothers or sisters or someone like a cousin to these meetings, sometimes students took their boy friends which by the way was pretty rare.
Catching up with some of my younger family members, I found out that still most of their friends dread the PT meetings. And since this is the time of the terms/semester that these meetings become famous I myself had volunteered to go as a pretend parent. That was when one of them told me what he and his friends had done.
I will name this person “X” because he will kill me if I tell who he is. Anyway a few weeks ago X’s friend got busted after a fight that the school demanded he bring his father to meet the supervisor. This boy is studying for his a’ levels in male’ and I don’t think I do not need to mention the name of the school. This boy also happens to be a very famous business mans son. The thing was if he took his father to school he wont be able to go out with X or any others boys of his gang. So they made a plan
The person X is quite fat and looks pretty old when he dresses up. hence they decided that X should go as the father. With his new grown beard and decent hair style a bit of old fashioned shirts and pants X went to school posing as a father. He had previously practiced a dialogue of what they should do and should say. To my surprise and his surprise the supervisor bought the act.
Person X explained that he was told of the boys behavior, and acts to which he blamed the boys and later sent the boy off to discuss some serious matters like the fact that the schools canteen was way too out of style and expensive. Person X criticized various things about the school and blamed the school about not being able to handle the students and teachers and the lessons that produce good citizens. And again another surprise was the supervisor agreed and stated that the school under the current head was difficult to operate and not at all satisfactory and would rather send her own son/daughter abroad than waste it there in that school
Conclusion: STUPID supervisor , brilliant students… and how the hell and 18 year old got away as a parent of another 18 year old… seriously …
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Paranoia is contagious in Male' sheesh

When you have been out of the country for a few months or more, you get adapted to the community you are residing in and where you were becomes distant place till you go back again. Once you return you see these odd bits about this society you left and have come back to. Sometime it’s weird and scary to return and find out that things have gotten much worse than it used to be.
Having heard about the gang violence and street fights, I was asked by my friends and parents not to entertain verbal abuse by these young and notorious men and women who seems to wander around in male’. Jobless maybe homeless I don’t know what there intentions are. Besides the politics I think it is the most depressing thing I have seen. Well any way I am a paranoid little idiot when i am being myself.
Second day in male’ I was coming home after meeting a certain web developer/photographer. I live in this area where a lot of political and gangster disturbance rises from time to time. The thing is the lights on our road are broken, and even after complaining for a week or two it has not been replaced saying its going to be broken again.. I was just a few blocks away from home when this guy wearing a yellow t- shirt started to follow me verbally abusing me. And he touched me. I turned around to see who he was but I couldn’t make out his face.
I rushed home and was getting ready to go out with a friend, when mom came dropped off my brother and went off again. As soon as she left this guy wearing a yellow t shirt scratching his head comes in to the house and in to our room. I screamed and screamed at him” get out of the room now” and shut the door tight with my youngest brother behind me.
Hearing me shout one of my house mate came out and called my brother saying” alyan your quruan sir is here”
SHIT ! that was hell of an embarrassing situation… I was so embarrassed. He is coming tonight again and im so not staying home.
Oh and by the way this quruan teacher isn’t the guy who followed me verbally abusing me though they both are young and skinny. He was standing near the corner hotel when I got out later that night. It was that coincidence this quruan teacher was wearing a yellow tshirt that night. Sheesh I felt so stupid.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
VACCATION AGAIN - holiday journal again
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
RUST IN PEACE -mega death
I am your ruler, land, sea and air
Immense in my girth, erect I stand tall
I am nuclear murderer I am Polaris
Ready to pounce at the touch of a button
My systems locked in on military gluttons
I rule on land, air and sea
Pass judgement on humanity
Winds blow from the bowels of hell
Will we give warnings, only time will tell
Satan rears his ugly head, to spit into the wind
I spread disease like a dog
Discharge my payload a mile high
Rotten egg air of death wrestles your nostrils
Launch the Polaris, the end doesn't scare us
When will this cease
The warheads will all rust in peace
Bomb shelters filled to the brim
Survival such a silly whim
World leaders sell missiles cheap
Your stomach turns, your flesh creeps
High priests of holocaust, fire from the sea
Nuclear winter spreading disease
The day of final conflict
All pay the price
The third world war
Rapes peace, takes life
Back to the start, talk of the part
When the Earth was cold as ice
Total dismay as the sun passed away
And the days where black as night
Eradication of Earth's
Population loves Polaris
im not a fan of mega death not ever and never ever will be but damn i love these lyrics
Monday, August 11, 2008
who said dressing up wasnt fun... why the hell didnt i do this when i was a kid and stayed home alone ? ok here i was just letting my imagination run wild and let myself grow small and kiddy :)
yes those are your shoes which is under my bed at the moment and u know its safe under there
more than it is where it should really be.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
i know and you didnt...
2 he gave u a bath and put you to bed when you were too drunk to yet you blame him for everything
3 the doctor knew you were lying, he was the one you threw yourself at last night at the club
4 i saw you and the IT at hospital before IT pinched you nipples
5 its ok to be gay if you are content with it you dont have to pretend with me
6 insecurity is the reason he isnt responsible, he get through it and i will help him dont worry
7 she tried to kill the baby, be glad you have good dad who talked some sense in to you
8 she is such wuss , eldest my ass
9 you never made your notes , you take credit for your students works
10 your mom thought you are the best son till she ruined your life
11 you study because you want your dad to notice you
12 he quit his prestigious post because he was blackmailed
13 you pretend to be an atheist, just so that he accepts you, i know you are very religious
14 you said you were in college in a class when you were in the theatre watching a movie with the slut
15 she was behind you when she called and you lied to her, be grateful she is so patient with you
16 she stole your body shop stuff when you were in the toilet and blamed the maid
17 he went to see you graduate all the way there - he loves you alot forgive him
18 you wished he saw you graduated top in your class so he'd know you did good without him
19 you dont study because you want to be cool like your music playing friends
20 you kiss the poster before u do ur thing and go to sleep ( J- LO man why her?)
21 he spiked your drink , and she switched it so u dont lose control yet you called her a slut :(
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Legs are available in different sizes...
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
MISSED MY EXAM ... argh!
( the one week i get to study at home)
i stayed in my room and studied and studied and studied. proof needed ask my house mates. during the exam week i was mor relaxed and revised a bit using the short notes i had prepared during the lectures and my study hours... so that allowed me to go to movies, dancing or what ever i wanted to do during my exam. but there was this one night i was quite freaking out about the last exam that i ditched two movie offers and msn chat with a dude i really love messing around with to study... i studied for awhile slept and woke up around five thirty ( which is my usual time for waking up for college) i really have no idea what happened next, i woke up at 1 30 pm near my study desk with a paper stuck to my face .... my first thought " no no no this cant be happening!"
but it did i missed my exam because i was way too freaked out to relax the previous night, which prolly made my brain be temporarily de activated, sigh... lesson well learnt... no more revising during the early morning atleast till i reach the college. and no more ditching movies and msn chats during exam...
Saturday, August 2, 2008
msn chat with a guy ...
Thee art of may looks lovely,
lighting and shines in the buds did take my heart away,
A summers day did take my heart out,
As like a short date as today, even with an evil twin by my side...
the day made me feel hot and my eyes are shining with ur reflecting on it,
My question n question it is...
R u the fairy the angel i cant decline,
This enter summers day is my life,
The eternal summer shall not fade
So long as i can breath n see... ur reflection will be in me...
Oh summer day live free and give life to all u come across
and give life to thee.... cause u r the angel n song of ma heart...
summer day compared with my angel
she says:
time waits for no man
yet the flowers blossomed for you
but this rose will soon wither away
for her beauty doesn't last long
as she waits for prince who came
gallantly seeking for her
and disappeared
before she can blossomed for him.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
this and that

Luck is not always in our way. When I got nominated and selected for a scholarship to study I accepted it. Not because I wanted to do this course but because it was the first one I got, my mother choice and I really wanted to get away. My mother thought since I was so interested in photography id give radiography a shot too. And here I am in a small college in the
The first semester ended and I was one of the few distinction students, duh the stuff was very easy like most of the first semesters are. Then came the second semester and I had to go on my very first clinical practice to a public hospital here in
We were warned by our seniors about ill treatment and harsh words that we might receive from our supervisors. I had heard both my lecturers and fellow peers talking ill of the place and the technicians there. But I was more worried about screwing up, and hurting a patient than I was worried about the harsh words, after all its sticks and stones that really hurt and words of wisdom, lessons learnt that lingers forever.
My one month of experience turned me around from hating health care workers to loving the whole of it. though I was sure I had moved away from the hospital personality years ago it was like I could do it. all of it. then I started to wonder whether I should have sticked to my old idea of becoming a nurse rather than letting that one go because of some phobia that I still need to work on.
Working there I learnt a lot, you don’t get all u study from sitting in a room digesting spoonfuls of exams questions and answers your lecturers feed you before the exams. It’s the experience, the work that makes you good at what you do. I had bad days and I had really good days. I took each praise I received as an award and each scolding and mistake as a lesson. Unfortunately for me the techs there were all Malaysian and could barely speak English. They either neglected and ignored me or made fun of my frustration of not understanding them. My biggest encouragement came from two people, one of them who refused to help me because I didn’t speak English and because I didn’t have XY chromosome. (it is considered a SHE MALE). The other was the HOD. The she/he person was rude, always scolding the students and didn’t care less if we were in tears or not. But after some effort and pestering I got in to its lab coat and achieved the chance of learning.
It was one of the best radiographers in the department. Very much like the Dr. Cox from scrubs. He is a good doctor with a bad attitude. Anyways my point is that I heard a lot of people talk ill of these two people I learnt so much from that I realized they didn’t really know what was happening. The strictest of them all are the best teachers there most of the time. You nurses, techs, and doctors to be learn to cope with the ill tempered mean ass of a supervisors who teach you rather than admire and love those who treat you nice and covers your mistake, they aren’t doing you a favor.
p/s I know this was piece of completely useless piece I wrote just because I wanted to update my blog.
Monday, July 21, 2008
you are my best friend - one of my favourite songs
You brought love like I've never known
You gave life to our children
And to me, a reason to go on.
You're my bread when I'm hungry
You're my shelter from troubled winds
You're my anchor in life's ocean
But most of all, you're my best friend
When I need hope and inspiration
You're always strong when I'm tired and weak
I could search this whole world over
You'd still be everything that I need.
Repeat Chorus twice
don william is one of my favorite artists introduced to me by my mother...
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
angel of death
Apart from Azrael's responsibilities and the characteristics he has in common with other angels in Islam, little else concerning his personality can be derived from fundamental Muslim texts. Many references are made in various Muslim legends, however, some of which are included in books authored by Muslim poets and mystics.
For instance, the following tale is in the Masnavi, written by the well-known Maulana Rumi:
When the Almighty determined to create mankind... He deputed the angel Gabriel to bring a handful of earth for the purpose of forming Adam's body. But the Earth, being apprehensive that the man so created would rebel against God and draw down God's curse upon her, remonstrated with Gabriel, and besought him to forbear... Then God deputed [the angel] Michael on the same errand, and the Earth made similar excuses to him, and he also... returned to heaven without taking a handful... Then God sent the angel Israfil on the same errand, and he also was diverted from the execution of it by a divine intimation... At last God sent 'Izrail, the angel of death, who, being of sterner disposition than the others, resolutely shut his ears to the Earth's entreaties, and brought back the required handful of earth. The Earth pressed him with the argument that God's command to bear away a handful of her substance against her will did not override the other divine command to take pity on suppliants; but 'Izrail would not listen to her, remarking that, according to the canons of theological interpretation, it was not allowable to have recourse to analogical reasoning to evade a plain and categorical injunction. He added, that in executing this injunction, painful though it might be, he was to be regarded only as a spear in the hand of the Almighty. (Book V, abridged translation by Whinfield)
more here
Sunday, July 6, 2008
the weekend dude who stole it all....
She Holds her breath and feels the warmth
as he hugs her there and then
A sensation she hasn't felt in years
but yearned to feel again
He came to her one weekend not
looking for love at all
As friendship began to grow
she fell for him by the end
How he fills a void she had
had for years
And made her forget the nights
she cried alone those tears
drowning in his words and
hushed by his songs
alive again in his loving arms
where she belongs
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
when you thought you could trust a condom...
its real
Saturday, June 28, 2008
me and my cell phone = worst enemies
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
basic guide to doing nothing....
Are you one of those poor helpless stupid idiots who are always told to sit in a corner doing nothing and yet you do not understand what the phrase " doing nothing"... well Nadu's basic guide to doing nothing will help you and the rest of you who aren't stupid idiots to master the basic art of doing nothing...
what is doing nothing?
doing nothing is not doing anything specially that can make you or some one stressed out, mess up, screw up both physically and mentally and waste a huge amount of energy that could be used when there are more important things to be done like punching some one in the face. the difficulty about doing nothing is that, because of the way our body works( blame mother nature and science of evolution) we cannot really be doing nothing; so we make a few exceptions... like breathing and small thoughts that enter our mind.
the two exceptions can be controlled to an extent too...
the breathing can be controlled so that in a way to ensure that you breath to stay alive and not for anything extra, as over breathing can lead to waste of energy. in to days world conservation of energy is important- who knows by the way the oil prices rise the superior beings may categorize other beings inferior to them ( including humans) to extract the energy from them for the daily uses. so try slow breathing...
the other one is small thoughts. this is one difficult one to control, as it is usually the smallest thoughts that makes big issues which results heart attacks and strokes. try not to think big and smart. concentrate on small things like the second hand of the clock.
and now we go to the art of doing nothing....
1- find a spot away from everyone
2- ensure you let everyone around know u are going to be doing nothing often helps to have a sign saying do not disturb - i am doing nothing like you asked me to.
3- make your self comfortable, sit stand lye down stand upside down. this is really important specially since doing nothing involves long periods of staying still without any movements. ( moving around can cause chaos too)
4- stay in that position for as long as you can and in other cases till your superiors needs you.
5- u cannot stop thinking so divert your attention to one thing like let say the fan. sit still and stare, concentrate on small thoughts and dont allow distractions to enter your thoughts like what a good ass the new secretary has or whatever.
mastering these takes time and control of your emotions and physical itching. i do not advise u to practice this at work or in cases which you could get fired, unless you have mastered it. Practice makes it perfect... sit still and stare.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Score!!! (SAFF 2 of 4)
photo by m.shahdy
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
1- he was scared because he was abused by a guy when he was young, since then he has an issue with men
2- he is a sex addict because he was raped at 7
3- she thinks she is queen bee and acts as if she controls all of us... she is always high on something like K
4- she is scared to learn the truth about what happened between her boyfriend and best friend- you see people always thought she was smart so she pretended she knew but truth is she was stupid to trust them both in the same room worst is she and he are married and he is still cheating her.
5- his mom doesnt know that he drinks but knows he is a drug addict- he is scared that his mom might find his bottles
6- she thought screwing around would bring her the money she needed, it did but they all went down with a crappy life
7- she gave him up for something called an "IDIOT WHO SAID I LOVE YOU IN A ROMANTIC WAY " and got married to find out he is gay
8- she lied when she said her daughter was not a mistake. infact she was the biggest mistake she ever made and she is legal.
9- she worries people will find out that her first boy friend was an imaginary guy who she invented when she was really depressed to keep her company.
10- he thinks that his girlfriend is the betraying him - of course she is they always lie
11- the doctor screwed up your lab test, it wasnt you who were pregnant but having sex with your hubby after finding u were pregnant made u pregnant for real.
12- it wasnt the drinks that made her ill- it was him putting a pill in to her cup that made her throw up in your bath room- i saw it
13- he drew a big 13 on your mirror that friday the 13th- he knew it would creep u out and keep you away from the sale
14- he stole your perfume cos it stinks like a fish and not because he wanted to keep it in the memory box
15- she acts all goody goody infront of your mom because she is scared of losing you
16- he had a crush on her for 15 years and i didnt tell you coz i know you love her
17- she had screwed around because she was hurt and wanted to get rid of it
18- he raped her because she called him a geek
19- she married it because she knew she cannot love anyone else or be with anyone else ever again
20- you all are insane to have read this but here is the biggest secret one of my closest people are keeping inside them
" i know he/she loves me more than you deep inside "
**i think i can come with more than a thousand lets limit it twenty for the time :D
Monday, May 5, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Great game ... but luck was with home...
Once a LFC fan ALWAYS one... and I still think they are the best and have great potential to win next time...
anyways catch ya in june on more football... EURO yay!

Friday, April 25, 2008
happy birthday kaiza shozey
this is the worlds most expensive gift and this is my gift to aanu .
he said he wanted a laptop never said that he wanted the real thing so this picture of the worlds most expensive laptop is yours
happy birth day man... hope you are having a wonderful time...
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
you never know...
liverpool was doing great at the first half, they did that till Fabio Aurelio got injured and he was substituted by Riise. Do not get me wrong, Riise is a good player who was having a bad day today. I noticed that he had a problem controlling the ball and passing it effectively. The liverpool play changed giving very much lead to Chelsea after Aurelio was taken off. I was pretty much satisfied by the liverpools play till at the last minute and at the last second by an accident riise scored for chelsea... sigh that was infuriating and mihad had to rub it on my face.
you LFC fans i dont think its worth blaming Riise tonight, he will be going through enough because of the guilt. And guilt is the worst feeling ever, he disappointed a millions of fans tonight. i myself am very disappointed. but we all do make mistakes. Rafa should have put Hyypia, I like him.
damn damn
Sunday, April 20, 2008
what I want for my birthday

my birthday is just around the corner and i am like posting a list of stuffs i want for my birthday which I probably wont get .
1- A real Barbie doll (as usual)
2- A SLR or SLR-like camera (canon G9) - but i would settle for an ordinary 7 mp camera
3- Jewelery box one of those fancy ones that is like when you open there is a doll rotating and music.
4- A surprise birthday party - mind you a small one with limited friends... where i for once honestly is surprised.
5- A PSP
6- Liverpool FC latest jersey
7- All my friends to wish me as in all of them.
8- Mr. Bill Clinton to wish me
9- Strippers (guys and girls)
10- Mom and Dad and the rest of my family to celebrate is with me (first birthday away from home)
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
tornado touch downs and rainbows???

mother nature saying "fine peace"
2nd April 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
At first when we planned to get married, we had our parents fussing all over us. We knew a day would come that when they would be visiting us and us visiting them and we will have to tolerate them. Its one thing when u can barely tolerate your own parents another when its someone else’s. So we decided to spend a month with each others parents and came up with a list, (this is just after our marriage) that was our little secret and our parents didn’t have to know about it.
We named it “what I don’t like about your mother!”
Here is mine and his when we first started out
1- I hate the way she always grabs my chin
2- Hates the way she always want to feed me
3- Hate the way she makes me feel that I stole something that was her to keep
4- Keeps insisting on babies
5- She thinks I spend too much money on magazines rather than saving them
1- hates her showing off how her cooking is better than yours
2- hates the way she makes me feel that I don’t treat you right
3- I hate it when she thinks I don’t make enough money and offers some
4- Hate it when she asks when I am turning her in to a grandma.
5- She threw away my playboy magazines
What started out as four has now increased in to hundreds! We make sure that we plan ahead when either of them is coming for a visit. Just to ensure that we can smile without blowing a fuse. How long have been married? We’ve been married nine months and they had visited us twice.