my birthday is just around the corner and i am like posting a list of stuffs i want for my birthday which I probably wont get .
1- A real Barbie doll (as usual)
2- A SLR or SLR-like camera (canon G9) - but i would settle for an ordinary 7 mp camera
3- Jewelery box one of those fancy ones that is like when you open there is a doll rotating and music.
4- A surprise birthday party - mind you a small one with limited friends... where i for once honestly is surprised.
5- A PSP
6- Liverpool FC latest jersey
7- All my friends to wish me as in all of them.
8- Mr. Bill Clinton to wish me
9- Strippers (guys and girls)
10- Mom and Dad and the rest of my family to celebrate is with me (first birthday away from home)
haa! i want a G9 too
O.o what a wish list!
it wont b so bad gal to b away from home n hav a bday..i had one 'here' just as i came ^_^
WOW whens ur bday??:S mines 22nd:S
mines 6 th may
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