Are you one of those poor helpless stupid idiots who are always told to sit in a corner doing nothing and yet you do not understand what the phrase " doing nothing"... well Nadu's basic guide to doing nothing will help you and the rest of you who aren't stupid idiots to master the basic art of doing nothing...
what is doing nothing?
doing nothing is not doing anything specially that can make you or some one stressed out, mess up, screw up both physically and mentally and waste a huge amount of energy that could be used when there are more important things to be done like punching some one in the face. the difficulty about doing nothing is that, because of the way our body works( blame mother nature and science of evolution) we cannot really be doing nothing; so we make a few exceptions... like breathing and small thoughts that enter our mind.
the two exceptions can be controlled to an extent too...
the breathing can be controlled so that in a way to ensure that you breath to stay alive and not for anything extra, as over breathing can lead to waste of energy. in to days world conservation of energy is important- who knows by the way the oil prices rise the superior beings may categorize other beings inferior to them ( including humans) to extract the energy from them for the daily uses. so try slow breathing...
the other one is small thoughts. this is one difficult one to control, as it is usually the smallest thoughts that makes big issues which results heart attacks and strokes. try not to think big and smart. concentrate on small things like the second hand of the clock.
and now we go to the art of doing nothing....
1- find a spot away from everyone
2- ensure you let everyone around know u are going to be doing nothing often helps to have a sign saying do not disturb - i am doing nothing like you asked me to.
3- make your self comfortable, sit stand lye down stand upside down. this is really important specially since doing nothing involves long periods of staying still without any movements. ( moving around can cause chaos too)
4- stay in that position for as long as you can and in other cases till your superiors needs you.
5- u cannot stop thinking so divert your attention to one thing like let say the fan. sit still and stare, concentrate on small thoughts and dont allow distractions to enter your thoughts like what a good ass the new secretary has or whatever.
mastering these takes time and control of your emotions and physical itching. i do not advise u to practice this at work or in cases which you could get fired, unless you have mastered it. Practice makes it perfect... sit still and stare.
does reading your blog count as doing nothing? :|
hehehe. omg! uve really thought this thru havent you? heheh. it was a hilarious read. and u did make a point out of it all.
yeah i did think about its something i cooked up while i stayed in my room when shau and natthu were in male'... i pretty much didnt do anything except sleeping or browsing... starky marked his territory in the living room so i guess i had to stay in the room u know how those animals can be
no offence starky...
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