phases of tolerating extreme pain and discomfort
Phase one extreme Pain and lot of painful peeing and no clinics open (7:30 am to 10 :15 am)
what the fuck is wrong with the male' health care facilities, it so fucking frustrating to go see a doctor. in IGM
hospital the fuck i have to fill a form after fucking showing my ID card while i am twitching with agony. emergency
yeah right. to find a doctor it took them so bloody long. and what about the fucking other clinics and ADK. we are sorry doctors will start their duties at 10 o'clock. ADk and IGM are fucking hospitals that are suppose to give 24 hour sevices efficiently and effectively. kiss my ass when these presidential candidates one by one come up and say health care system here and there blah blah... medical universities, easier medical attetntions, more services cheaper medicals...why the bloody hell dont you make your doctors be there in there rooms and provide docs for the casualty when the other ones doing rounds, surgery or whate ver. there is a hospital that charges u 200Rf extra if u go in to the emergency room with a walking patient despite patients medical needs... argh...
mad meter = 99.99%
pain tolerance = 0
Phase two extreme pain and no toilets to pee and no doctors in sight( 9: 30 am to 10 30 am)
where the hell is the doctors? dont they know they like have duties... calm down ... dont break down... thats it mom lets get to amdc... and i need to bloody pee
mad meter = 110%
lesson learnt no peeing in public toilets ever again
get well soon luv..
Looks like just another usual day at local hospitals. There are never any doctors around during an emergency. It's the default state of all hospitals and clinics in Male'.
I'm sure there is some Ministry that regulates such things to make sure all doctors are away or busy filing their nails every time someone in pain or extreme discomfort comes in.
Anyway, hope you get better soon...
you shouldnt have sex with someone who has Gonorrhea!
think before you have sex, you whore
you should have called me!! thats what us fellow bloggers are for..
azmyst: thats very unfair about the nail filing bits and this generalization we have doctors who work hard and who dont leave their post during the duty time unless absolutely necessary..
P.S how are u doing?
I once went to ADK to see a bone doctor but the girl at the reception (who looked as if a makeup case had exploded in her face btw) told me with a smile that the doc was on holiday.
Asked when he'll be back, her reply; 'No idea'. I wanted to whack her on the head... Left with a choice of going to IGMH, i decided to just go home instead. Just not worth the temper rise i will surly go through there.
and here's something too..
i had a back surgery and the wound was all swelled up. had a my surgeons appointment at 10 so went to igmh by 10. doctor didn't come by 10.30 then when we asked they said the consultation time was 11 when it was on the consultation slip 10. waited till 11.30 no doctor and i had a hard time sitting cuz of the pain on the swelled up area on my back. and then a hospital personnel came and told that the doctor has been on leave. and that the other surgeon was also on leave and there was no way i could consult a doc.
i have thousands of stories like this if i start writing hehe
Shanu: do you take everything so seriously? :) It was a generalization after all, not necessary true in all cases.
Still I do tend to wonder why such incidences at hospitals always happened to me. Judging from some of the comments it seems like it's pretty common thought.
I'm doing well, btw.
shanoo : i would ve called you if i had the number but seriously to bug a blogger friend when its early in the morning aren't u like on holiday...
I am kinda on a holiday sorta break sorta work sorta thing :)..just not working at the hospital this month.. well its alright an emergency is an emergency.. thoms got me number.. I cant put up my number how now can I :P or email me
lol. atleast now i know wat id do ...
*shanooooooooooooooooooooo! halp!*
anyhoo, i take it ur well now.. i saw u out :)
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