Wednesday, December 12, 2007
holidays again

Friday, November 2, 2007
when you know nothing at all
when i don't know who i really am
changes changes and fucking more changers
all brought to me by these strangers
and i thought it was all real
unworthy stupid bloody deceitful lies
that shadows my life with its fancy facades
its not the same anymore
i m not bloody not the same
so shut up about me being the one
the one with the halos and the wings
i deserve non of songs you sing
so just shut up when you know nothing at all
Monday, October 22, 2007

when you seen the other side of the life we appreciate things alot more. when i reached the shores of malaysia and landed in KL i was quite excited to go start the college but once i reached the hostel it totally disgusted me well for one thing the toilets werent that good. i thought i was gonna go sick so i moved to a friends apartment and am currently sharing it with him. well that was it... i was in a clean and better place which wasnt that close to my college. (Transport is expensive here).
for as they say "Hari rai" (EID) i got two weeks holiday and i spent the last four to five days in a nearly uninhabited island called the perhentian (small) island. thats i guess the closest i could feel to home here in malay. the place was nice maybe the sand wasnt as white as ours or the water was blue like the maldivian blue. but still it was a cool place to be. i didnt mind the smelly huts with bad bed - but when i saw the toilets there i started to appreciate the hostel toilets more, i guess i can move to the hostel and be happy with the shower now. but i still prefer the apartment.
my trip it was awesome. one of the best holidays i ve had totally roughing it. imagine the movie " the beach" you ll get the picture of the holiday i had. :)
Saturday, September 22, 2007
i will miss in no specific order!
2- i will miss my brother alyan, kaafa , my bro alaa and cousin yukko
3- i will miss home
4- i will miss hamza , thoriq, faizan , zim and archi
5- i will miss millzero, obofilli , and notsogoodphotography.
6- i will miss UNIQUE MALDIVES members
7- i will miss my office mates
8- i will miss coffee's with mujey
9- i will miss as ad in his place behind my desk
10- i will miss adhil and his photography tips.
11- i will miss the 16 degree AC
12- i will miss hassaan, afey, sidhu, najaf and shamym at canteen
13- i will miss ayesha luba and nammi
14- i will miss asadh, ashanau, muaz, shiftu and azza
15- i will miss the group that lives near my place
16- i will miss city garden
17- i will miss not studying
18- i will miss the political protests and non political protests
19- i will miss garudhiya and bai
20- i will miss my alter ego
21- i will miss leez, fathun, thas, dhonbe, shamoon,thuttha, meeko,siyatha, and kudu.
22- i will miss freezing studio one and studio three.
23- i will miss alot more
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
nadhu is leaving !
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Hulhumale Beach clean up!
but check out the pics from yesterday by Glenn Briggs!

the trash that welcomed us! we took pity on the guy on the chair and decided to recycle him :p

a team mate carrying the trash bag

Monday, September 10, 2007
Strength of Society ( S.O.S)
find who they are here and here
15th September 2007 some of us called the strength of society (S.O.S) with the help of Maldivers are organizing and conducting a cleaning half day. The cleaning starts at 2:00 pm and ends at 6:00 pm. the event is going to be held in hulhumale'. join us and help us make hulhumale' a better and cleaner place. ( you wouldnt want your girl friend to step on something yucky like fish left over on the beach while taking a romantic stroll would you ? ) this event is organized to celebrate the World clean up day.
yup ... we are doing it during the ramazan but consider this... this might be your chance to take back the guilt of littering and its a chance to meet new people. also your chance to contribute your ideas and thoughts and lend your hand to make our world a cleaner place to live while getting a few blessings from above.
"A better future with a cleaner environment"
Friday, September 7, 2007
Thursday, September 6, 2007
lava party
obo: rulhi naadhey rulhi naadhey rulhi naadhey manjey
juman and clopp ( chorus group) : manjey!!!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
missing you!
dear you
I have no clue why I haven't seen you yet. it has almost been a month since you've come back home but I only saw you once and that was for like a moment and we had other business to attend. You have a little time with me and I have a few minutes to spend with you.
I know you are busy with the news and all and have lot of catching up to do, you said we have to meet again but we still haven't.
I promised you and eternal friendship but because of your short replies and distant talks I am scared to ask you what is wrong between us. I feel put aside completely. I wish we could go out and have the typical fun we usually have. I miss you.
with love me
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Monday, September 3, 2007
third flickr (UM) meet up... very cool
the flickr meet up was great. it was great meeting the newbies.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Welcome to the darker side of Maldives!
After spending a tiresome day working at TVM i took a van home since earlier that day I had broken the sandals i was wearing. I had heard that there was going to be a protest about the referendum held by the one of the oppositions party MDP ( Maldives Democratic Party). I live near a politically and narcotically( I invented that word) very active area hence while in the van I prayed that id reach right home and would not have to get out and walk home barefooted due to a road block. but as usual the prayer was denied. The van driver dropped me off near Male' opticals and drove off. I took the longer route( maaveyo magu) barefoot and got stuck because the poilice wouldnt let me through. apparently they were chasing and trying to catch some men who had tried to hit them with whatever they used. so i turned back and headed back to where the action was which seemed much more empty than the route i chose before. while i turned back i saw a group of Star Force ( aka Golha force) men running after 3 men. I was surprised with myself that i didnt react to it like i used to . i was neither scared nor was i awed to see it. which meant one thing this had become a part of our lives... seeing civillians and cops play hide and seek and tag.
Anyway i made it to near Mercury light where all the actions were. There were four or five traffic police and many Start force troops. I asked one of the traffic officers whether i could pass through and cross to the other side of the road since i want to get home the shortest possible way and dont want to walk bare footed all the way west and then take a really long route home. he said it was ok. while i talked to him i observed the surrounding carefully. there were people everywhere. there was one or two photographers snapping pictures of star force troopers swishing their baton dangerously and threateningly at civillians while the civillians did the same with their hands and verbally abusing the star force men. since i got permission to to cross over i did and while i did i saw one of the star force man threaten a photographer and fling his camera. that camera is almost 1000$ didnt he know that?
I made it to the other side to find my self infront of a crowd and traffic. it was going to be so hard to make it through carefully so i slowly started to make it in to the crowd hoping to vanish without a trace. but as i was about to go this star force man stopped me calling me "dhelo kanaa kalyah neyngey tha mithanah meehun evveffa ovvaa annaakah nujehyene kan and blah blah" i tried to explain to him tell him the situation when he exploded " balaaennu amm fuyeh nukiya thikiya ethche gos amayaa bafaayaa gaathu keema nimuneenun" I know that he would be exhausted dealing with all the crap at that moment but while these men learnt and practised dealing and being violent i was surprised that they werent taught patience. What he said really pissed me off i really felt like slapping him. i didn't listen to him or stay there watching him scream my head off i turned back to make my way to the crowd when the star force troopers started to yell. while minority of the men spoke loudly but quite calm and nicely requesting us to go home - " hurihaa beyfulhun geyah vadain enveun edhen" most of the men were screaming nufeli thi alaathun amilla thappaahah dhann ulhey. kon lhai eh tha miulheny heligen... most of there requests started with balaaeh , fada boi, nufeleyshey, which deeply hurt me because these were the people who were sent bring the people in to calmer situation and they lacked communication skills. anyway i was going home pretty steamed when i heard the commotion i couldn't resist but turn back and watch while they just pulled out any one they can grab from within the crowd people who stayed near there gates and people who were blocked in traffic. maybe not all of them were innocent but I was question marked when he dragged a frightened and confused looking man out of a lorry carrying gas cylinders and threw him and i mean threw him in to to the police van. i watched as the caught men were loaded in to the van till these star force troopers started to scream balaennu geyah dhashey buneema mi thiba beerunthakakah adhen neevey tha nufelethi felefiyya gendhaanan. they swished there batons and threatened anyone they felt like abusing without taking any reasons.
i was steaming when i got home. i don't mind being called dhelo kanu but he had no right to insult my parents. they say these people are given the permission and do what they are asked by the president. knowing the president i dont think he d have said to them go out there talk to the public using abusive language where ther kids are awake at homes hearing every word they say.
someone once told me this is the sign of development. if the sign of development mean seeing civilian fight with civilians killing each other , police fight with police and civilians and the police fighting i think id rather eat kandoo than rice. have candles than electricity and have nothing but my peace. and while all this was happening there was a tourist upstairs watching and taping the whole thing happen... i really wanted to wave to him say out loud " welcome to the darker side of Maldives. that surely is the part i regularly see these days.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
East of Male'
The east point of Male' famously known as the "raalhugandu" ( surf point) is where the legendary "rannamaari" surfaced each month to accept the lady who is subjected to the doom. the folk story says that a girl is taken to the temple dressed up. A sea monster thing later appears and rapes the girl and kills her. this kept on happening till a man stayed up in the temple in place of a girl. his name was Abul Barakathul Barubary from Morocco. He was i suppose a missionary who was spreading islam across the globe ( not sure about tht) Any way he put an end to the whole rannamaari business... the legend says that he recited Quruan - the holy book. one version states that upon hearing the verses the monster drowned away while another states that is shrunk and upon shrinking abul barakathul baru baree placed him in a bottle and threw him away in to the sea. apparently the monster vowed that it would surface again. but in reality this was a just a gold plated story that seems to cover up the king's ass. :) the best story in our history tells us that once upon a time we had a horny king who raped and killed his victims.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
people who never makes mistakes...
2- President
3- Sheikh, priest, Rabbi, Imam or what ever they call to those religious figures
4- Teachers
5- your Parents
these people never makes mistakes... i found that there are people who believes this and spread this around
specially the number two ... according to some people well atleast i had to remove a post on this blog because my boss was questioned about me writing it . sigh well i kind of wrote something against the government showing that the president is a bit incompetent specially on deciding who his friends and foes are...
dont let the secret out of the bag!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Sunday, August 19, 2007
A compliment
Compliments are one of the few things that can brighten a persons day. the one above came from my biology teacher from CHSE who now works at Qatar. he is one of the few teachers who was fun and reliable. when i showed him my photostream he sent me this compliment. he made my day and gave me hope that one day i can have my dream!
A teacher gives you both hope and lessons. He was a great teacher. And one of the best i came across
Monday, August 13, 2007
Taxi drivers from Hell!
Finally after hailing a taxi and little calmer and happier that i don't have to walk sit quietly on the back seat praying there is no traffic. on your way to where ever you are going, the driver makes small conversation with you, regarding politics and the current affairs in Maldives. that is normal. but not when you get in to a taxi where the driver has neglected to trim his beard and looks like he just came from Afghanistan wearing a turban. well these drivers usually don't bother to say anything due to their beliefs ( which i respect). but some of these men can be a bit of a nuisance and the ride to your destination can become a horror or worse they might dump you on the road and just leave not caring whether its late at night or the deadly dawn.
From my experience with taxi drivers i say they are paranoid sometime and annoying as hell. i' ve been dumped in to the dead night numerous times for silly reasons. below are three recent ones
driver number one- He came to pick me up at home 15 minutes after i called for taxi. he looked young and decent. I asked him to drop me off in front of huravee building. we were having a light conversation since the ride was slowed down by the heavy traffic. our conversation was mostly about the current issues faced by Maldivian society like the drug issues and rape cases and child molestations. we were both expressing our views on the subjects.he told me about a brother who had been sent to jail for a crime he didn't commit ( many people cant accept the reality) and all of the sudden he found out where i work at. he immediately stopped the car and told me that he doesn't want me in his taxi i should get out immediately... his reason he doesn't give lifts to people who works for golha - this is his word not mine. Just because i work at presidents office does that mean i all of a sudden becomes an out cast in the taxi drivers society? besides if it is so i wonder how he earns his living because most of us work for government jobs and it is the same thing ... you are working for the president when you are working for the government. any ways i was late to office that day.
driver number two - i had an appointment at a salon to cut my hair. i came home late from office and wanted to reach the salon on time. i called a taxi ( bad choice). it came after ten minutes. i was annoyed. the driver blamed it on some ongoing construction site. he was middle aged man bald and with a cheerful face. as i sat down he adjusted his mirror so he can see my face. which was normal for some drivers since they like to talk to you and watch you at the same time. but him he was different. at first he took a wrong turn and i corrected him asking him to take a the next route since i was already late. but no he didn't listen instead he started to talk dirty. he was a pervert and you can imagine what he would be saying to disgust me. i tried to ignore him. lucky for me his drivers permit was visible and was hanging on the review mirror. i immediately called the taxi centre and reported him and he threw me out. i was glad actually that happened.
driver number three- i was to meet a busy friend. and i mean a really busy dude. to get an appointment with him is really tough. so i needed to get to him asap. so i tried and tried to get a taxi but no luck so in the end i decided ill jog over all the way to henveiru from my home in maafannu. but i got lucky. on my way i was able to get one. breathless and happy i gave the address. the driver looked like a serious man with a huge beard and a turban. he was playing songs by Yusuf Islam. We were almost near the "Fen building" when he gave me a CD and asked me to take it for it might show me the right path. i politely told him " no thank you" for which he cursed me by saying i am a "Jahilu" which kind of annoyed me off. i couldn't help it but i talked back by telling him that he is going to lose his customers if he is going to be calling people that to which he responded that i am the child of the devil and i dress like a whore... OK not exactly that but something that kind of implied that. pissed i told him off saying that he had no right to say things like that it wasn't ethical. since his beliefs forbid to call people things like that and a lot of blah blah. when i said that he just stopped the car and asked me to get out. and this was near TVM. i was shaking when i got off. i did because i couldn't have tolerated what he might have said next. it was his loss... i didnt pay him.
don't you think those scenarios are silly??? well i think i acted a little bit silly with the driver number 3. but just because i didn't accept a CD from him does he have to give me a label?
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
and they say i havent grown up...
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Justice Jameel and AG Dr. Hassan resigns
There is a Dhivehi proverb that says" ބަސްނުވިކޭ އޮޑި އެއްގެ ދިރުނބާ ކޮޅަށް ނާރާށޭ" "bas nuvikay odiehge dhirunbaa kolhah naaraashey" which means dont be the look out man of a ship whose crew don't listen to you. Both Jameel and Dr. Hassan did a very expected thing for a people who knows this proverb Dhivehi. I am saying that it was still wrong of him to quit the debate last night but i can see that his intention were clear maybe he was forced to represent the DRP. As head officials of the government they had seen and had first hand experience with the both legal issues and the way things work in the government. they had both seen the government failing and their words on it being ignored. hence he quits seeing the ignored cries of the people ( why the sudden concern though which might be both of them trying to find safety among the society and backing out while they can) . whatever are the reasons for their resignations i am proud and quite pleased that they did it even if mundhu the government spokes man says that the president is being back stabbed. they have their reasons and they are reasonable. some supporters say that it showed the hypocrite side of them both but honestly president should consider who he chooses as assister's... we wouldn't want many of them saying that he is an incompetent leader now would we ... ekekek
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Justice Jameel in need of anger management!
because he walked out on it the public didnt get the required information, if parlimentary system wins justice minister surely cant say anything there coz he didnt help much. another thing i kind of realised there was, he was representing more than DRP he also was representing the government. it showed that he had no concern about conveying his message to the public. it looked like as if he was all i have power so shut up. you really dont have to give a damn whether they threw tomatos at you as long as you say what you have to say to them. it is up to them to listen and do what is right. but you continue you do not quit. do we expect and good changes if this is the kind of ministers we have. im in doubt.
im not saying the crowd wasnt acting right or anni kind of degraded him in front of the crowd, but he has to expect that from them all because he is the enemy there. and anni is the idol. he just ridiculed himself and the brought a bad name. i wonder if he is gonna resign i mean he is a quitter and that can be expected right?
Monday, July 30, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
a lift to a dhoni!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
spirit of independence day absent along with the floats!
Independence day has always been a day I look forward to. The items the school and the districts come up with are so very brilliant. Every year it’s a new thing. The floats the offices make are so attractive and show hard work of the talented craftsmen among us. It’s amazing, and I could feel the spirit of independence in our air while the whole nation, young and the elderly unite themselves to remember what it feels like to be free.
But this year it was totally different without the floats and the spirit in air. People were more consumed in advertising the differences between parliamentary system and presidential system. The spirit of Independence Day was nowhere in air. True the government would have faced a lot of trouble on the financial issues that are related to the making of the floats considering they are somewhat a waste, but its one thing that the children and the whole nation can enjoy.
Yes there are lots of people here in Maldives who needs financial help and it would be far better to help them than make a bunch of floats and ride it around male’. But these poor people also enjoy the floats. The whole nation enjoys the floats. But the whole Maldives doesn’t get to enjoy the reception the president holds on 25th of July to celebrate the Independence Day.
Its no secret what a waste it is. I personally experienced this so called socializing event. Believe me it is quiet horrifying to know that they spend quiet an amount on the food and preparations, which on the end of the day are gone to waste. Half the invitees show up. The food is a total waste. The so-called socializing event is a total bust where once they have eaten they can’t wait to get out and away. Quite frankly telling, I’m sure president holds the function to shake the hands of a few people and re assure himself that he still have some faithful followers who worships him. Why else. If it’s a socializing event how come he doesn’t spend a few hours talking and interacting with people- shaking a hands with people and listening to Independence Day greeting is not interacting with them. Waiting for a moment and having a few laughs is interacting with others; that was what I was taught any way.
Why spend so much on a useless and very wasteful reception, while the same money can be spent on the floats that the whole nation very much looks forward to. Just because the opposition parties claim they are wasting people money they cant stop the floats. Why stop the floats when they aren’t stopping more money consuming things. Why give a reception to which less than half the invitees attend. I say no reception and save a million to spend on real Independence Day celebration like making floats!!!
Monday, July 23, 2007
tic tic station how many GODs are there in this world!

i believe in one god
she believes in one god
he believes in one god
you believes in one god
and theirs us who dont believe in god
they believe in 7 gods
we have 8 more gods
those crowd over there says its 2 gods
even now it all add up to
1+1+1+1+0+7+ 8+2= 21
plus the rest of the gods i havent included because i havent met anyone who believes in them...
no wonder everyone is so defensive when it comes to themselves. its like they are ruled by their god and not mine!!!! :P
Sunday, July 22, 2007
To kiss u in the rain!
i knew it would rain...
nothing i expected to gain
wanted lot of things but i didnt ask
not because i couldnt, but because it wasnt right...
out on street, stuck in rain.
before we zoomed.
i wanted to hug you and take away your pain.
get a hug from you to drain away the affliction.
i wanted to feel the warmth of ur body.
the warmth that would made me feel safe.
still i didnt ask, because it wasnt right.
half soaking wet i came home, same you were...
i said good night but didnt blow a kiss
or stayed to see you leave safely.
i didnt want to because it wasnt right.
those were some of the things i wanted last night.
things that i never asked ,
but it wasnt worth it, because i didnt really need that all,
yet there is something i wanted bad
didnt ask because it was wrong...
i wanted a kiss.
a kiss in the rain
and feel that moment last...
but i missed that one out...
since to think even it is very wrong...
was tagged by rae!
* lick my elbow
* stop worrying
* kick sense in to my mother
(b) 3 things you can do;
* read and write
* walk back wards
* sleep on a messy bed with needles pricking my ass
(c) 3 things that scare you;
* height
* getting fat
* centipedes
(d) 3 things that you Love;
* photography(art)
* cuddling
* coffee
(e) 3 things you hate;
* gossip
* politics
* being cold
ummm necrophagus, bulhaa, shweet
Friday, July 20, 2007
my daughters 7 i am growing old!!! .........
three weeks ago i had asked what she wanted for her birthday, she had told me she wanted a maths book and pencil. i thought it was some kind of a joke since this was an almost 7 year old i was talking to... argh!!! she is seven already and i can see wrinkles on my face... i am growing old.
well i got her at 13 and i am 20... wow its been 7 years. maybe when i wake up tommorow id be facing a 16 year old who spells trouble!
i am being just dramatic here and making a huge issue of nothing. hehe and i am talking about my god daughter... i dont think its possible fro me to have a daughter at thirteen and be still alive to see her grow considering my mother would have killed me if i got my self pregnant. :)
oh well
Sunday, July 15, 2007

I love the Friday mosque and i ve got a lot of pictures of the mosque and the graveyard. i ve been observing the tombstones for six months. those that are near the MNDF side of the mosque they are crumbling due to the heavy machinery that are been used for the construction of the new MNDF building. im not saying they should stop building the place, but do they KNOW THEY ARE DESTROYING something historical??? do they care???
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Hell Awaits You!
Welcome to hell. hope you enjoy the rest of the eternity in here... My husband and i would be toturing you right after the tour.
Monday, July 9, 2007
photography and me.
most of you people who see me taking pictures will probably laugh at me... or make cheesy comments. some of you would describe as a restless person. but honestly once i look through the view finder or look at the image forming on the LCD screen, the real world around me disappears. i see what i want to see. and i see the way i want to produce it. sometime if i am not lucky, i may get something else and not the picture i visualised and i fear that a lot. because it leaves me totally disheartened. which is the most horrible feeling i know.
i know experience counts a lot when you take pictures. but i have a fear of making the first attempt, one wrong step and my mind might change. like that night on Live Earth thats the first time i got my self a pass and covered an event. The whole thing was scary. i over came two fears. the fear of falling from the stage and the fear of taking pictures of shows infront of a huge audience. i did a pretty good job for a first timer said some of the fellow photographers who helps me to improve.
some of these good photographers who themselves are learning should recruit some of the photographers who are new to this. but the fear of them succeeding over takes their egos ( you great people their please don't get offended i am talking in general and is not targeted to anyone) . it is understandable. competition, rivalry and jealousy is a part of human nature. i suppose it is what makes us strive. it sure does make me work harder. yes i admit the great photos that makes me drool makes me jealous. because they got the opportunity and was at the place at the right time.
maybe i would eventually find my way through the maze, and get a good enough camera and take a picture that i am satisfied with. i should really learn to love my pictures and stop being a perfectionist.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Frustrations of a living girl.
Six months since i last saw you. Six months since i last shared a night with you. Six months. half an year. damn you Mister. I wish you died in that accident. I wish you never woke up. At least i wouldn't be waiting.
Say you haven't visited this land. But your mother calls me to tell me each and every month when you come here. Each time i lie to her telling that i did see you and you were doing well while i resist the urge to scream. I stay wishing you would at least have the decency to give me a call.
And when you did have the decency to give me a call and ask me to meet you; you damn stood me up. You could have atleast told me that you were with HER. i could have swallowed it, like always do. How long do i have to act as if i mean anything to you and how long do i have to lie to your mother that you and me are in a commitment when in truth we are not ready for one.
Once upon a time your globe trotting life made me comfortable, your two timing and one night stand things didnt bring any suspicions to my heart you know that damn well when i sat in your sitting room watching TV when you were in your bedroom and i even pretended to be your sister.
I expected you to change after the accident give a me a little more time, work out the things we missed for your mothers sake. If i didn't promise her that id give you a chance and mend this very broken relationship i wouldn't have even considered the open thing.
You can go to that thing alone or find a one night stand to escort you. all i know is im through being seen with you. AS far as I KNOW I HATE YOUR EGOCENTRIC SELF.
if you wanna talk to me tell your mother the truth.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
check out the cool link below to get a lil bit more insight on what drug addiciton and abuse is and how it can be treated.
me myself and that stranger !
path to his life
he sat there alone waiting for something that never came. his sister who needed special help sat on the grass playing with the weed flowers. he neither felt happy nor sad. At dusk he felt the sense of accomplishment and the beauty of his life. He is one step closer to growing up and leaving the dreadful life he has. he has to find a way to take his sister with him. away from their wretched hands.
his life is a horror story that he hid from the rest of the world. they thought he didnt know what was happening. but he knew what he saw at home was wrong. they made everyone believe that his sister went mad after the stroke. but the truth was she went mad after father tuck her in bed. his mother knew it all yet she did nothing. her husband was her dealer her provider and she lived on that poison. but one day... he swore one day he ll make it all go away because his name was his to keep and he d write it where no one can mess it up.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
i was going through these blogs... these people are having these trivia kind of stuff going a lot these days .... :S wow... i ve been away for too long !!!
fairy tales

Today I got two beautiful roses from a friend. a pink and a yellow rose. They weren't de- thorned like most roses available in flower shops. i pricked my fingers upon receiving them which triggered a memory i had discarded long ago.
A long time ago when i was very naive and very intolerable with very boyish habits i had a friend who the rest of them labeled as "the guy" . We use to hang out and have fun. Fun as in go swimming, draw each other and play paint ball. he once gave me a pink rose with thorns and asked me to hold it as tightly as i could if he meant anything to me... and i held it as tightly as i could ... till my hand bled. i winced in pain but he meant a lot to me. i held it till he took it from my hand threw it away and surprised me with my first kiss. And me and him lived happily ever after...
Wrong! I lost him a month later. i bid him my last good bye 6 months later. i held on to his memory for an year and half . i let him go and moved on but still today he meant as much as he meant that day ....
MORAL OF THE STORY: a rose without thorns is a fake
* this is one stupid post!
i joined flickr 6 to 7 months ago ... recently i met the some of the maldivian flickrers in the community and since then i have enjoyed being with them and listening to tips and somtimes foni anga ( no offence) here are some of the shots i got of them in action during a fun trip t o villingili :) enjoy
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
excuse me i crushed my toe.
yeooooooooooooooooooow. i was facing the mirror when it fell and i still can remember the the painful look on my face as i screamed. ow ow ow ! i hopped around , got out and yelled for my aunt who immediately came running and put an ice pack around the finger and the swelling foot. everyone at home was making a fuss about it. i howled and cried. even sucked my thumb to keep myself together. i couldnt move my toe nor did i feel it. a cousin later told me that he thought i was crazy because i was laughing and crying at the same time.
Any ways i ended up at going to IGMH a place i dread. Half my class mates from CHSE work there. the worst part was i couldn't walk and i was taken to the emergency room in a wheelchair. everyone was staring at me. i immediately called one of my best friend who work there who i knew would make things a little bit easier for me. and she did though, she fussed around a bit too when i refused the injection to kill the pain(i regretted the later). When it was time to take an X ray mum and ayesh wheeled me to the x ray room. and thats where the word spread... i was in IGMH with a swollen right foot. damn.... that was embarrassing.
luckily i had no broken bones but damaged soft tissue and haemorrhage. i got myself an MC to avoid office before heading home. and i d rather not talk about the pain i was in later that night...