Thursday, August 30, 2007

East of Male'

East of Male', originally uploaded by andhu.

The east point of Male' famously known as the "raalhugandu" ( surf point) is where the legendary "rannamaari" surfaced each month to accept the lady who is subjected to the doom. the folk story says that a girl is taken to the temple dressed up. A sea monster thing later appears and rapes the girl and kills her. this kept on happening till a man stayed up in the temple in place of a girl. his name was Abul Barakathul Barubary from Morocco. He was i suppose a missionary who was spreading islam across the globe ( not sure about tht) Any way he put an end to the whole rannamaari business... the legend says that he recited Quruan - the holy book. one version states that upon hearing the verses the monster drowned away while another states that is shrunk and upon shrinking abul barakathul baru baree placed him in a bottle and threw him away in to the sea. apparently the monster vowed that it would surface again. but in reality this was a just a gold plated story that seems to cover up the king's ass. :) the best story in our history tells us that once upon a time we had a horny king who raped and killed his victims.


Anonymous said...

yeh.. u r ryt... it was the king who did all that....

.mini said...

i never thot that way :S
stupid me

Ameer said...

Nice pic. Obinovey

shan said...

the moster vowed that it'll be back dho..but next time i think its gona be too busy eatin bileh gandu. great pic nadhu :)

Cappi said...

wow nadhu we both in for the same thing check out my bloggy hehe