Sunday, August 26, 2007

people who never makes mistakes...

1- Mothers
2- President
3- Sheikh, priest, Rabbi, Imam or what ever they call to those religious figures
4- Teachers
5- your Parents

these people never makes mistakes... i found that there are people who believes this and spread this around

specially the number two ... according to some people well atleast i had to remove a post on this blog because my boss was questioned about me writing it . sigh well i kind of wrote something against the government showing that the president is a bit incompetent specially on deciding who his friends and foes are...

dont let the secret out of the bag!


primary0 said...

i strongly disagree on 3rd. those people molest kids more than any other profession or social status. the belief that number 3s are are right and wise, like mothers, is the problem.

Anonymous said...

like i said primay0 they never make mistakes. do you honestly think i would have said they dont make mistakes when i know they are bunch of crappy mistake makers... come one they are crappy liars... even our parents are ... but in the society some of us i repeat some of us believes these people never do wrong in life!!! and we are made to believe our moms are perfect while in reality they have done their shar of mistakes too even if they never admit it ... the problem is tht these people never admit it and there are people willing to back their stories!!!

Anonymous said...

wow... angry... who done it?