Six months since i last saw you. Six months since i last shared a night with you. Six months. half an year. damn you Mister. I wish you died in that accident. I wish you never woke up. At least i wouldn't be waiting.
Say you haven't visited this land. But your mother calls me to tell me each and every month when you come here. Each time i lie to her telling that i did see you and you were doing well while i resist the urge to scream. I stay wishing you would at least have the decency to give me a call.
And when you did have the decency to give me a call and ask me to meet you; you damn stood me up. You could have atleast told me that you were with HER. i could have swallowed it, like always do. How long do i have to act as if i mean anything to you and how long do i have to lie to your mother that you and me are in a commitment when in truth we are not ready for one.
Once upon a time your globe trotting life made me comfortable, your two timing and one night stand things didnt bring any suspicions to my heart you know that damn well when i sat in your sitting room watching TV when you were in your bedroom and i even pretended to be your sister.
I expected you to change after the accident give a me a little more time, work out the things we missed for your mothers sake. If i didn't promise her that id give you a chance and mend this very broken relationship i wouldn't have even considered the open thing.
You can go to that thing alone or find a one night stand to escort you. all i know is im through being seen with you. AS far as I KNOW I HATE YOUR EGOCENTRIC SELF.
if you wanna talk to me tell your mother the truth.