Sunday, March 22, 2009

who is a better friend?

some one who stands by watching a friend throws away his/her life in to a chaos without doing anything and then helping him/her back to their feet when they mess up big time or is it some one who doesnt let him/her throws away his/her life away in to the chaos in the first place???
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Anonymous said...

Some one who tries not to let the friend throws away his/her life away in to the chaos and if the friend doesnt listen to you (as those making really bad decisions tend to do) then helping the friend back to their feet after the mess is made..

Khilath Rasheed - journalist and blogger from Maldives said...

I've tried doing that but from my experience, we can only help those who want to be helped. Sometimes you see them destroy themselves and it's sad when there's nothing we can do about it. :-(

thadu said...

hmmm..interesting question...
i'd rather ask, who is wise? the one who takes good advice and try to stay out of trouble, or the one come to senses only after messing up big time!!
because several of us have the tendency of asking for ideas when making a decision and only a few decide based on the ideas...

Khilath Rasheed - journalist and blogger from Maldives said...

Thadu, you are right. There are some friends who does exactly that. They will meet us and ask our opinions about what they should do, but when we go back, we later hear that they took exactly the wrong decision, against what we adviced.

During those times, I tend to think that the friend actually had made up his mind earlier, and was asking us not exactly our opinion or advice, but actually seeking consent and support for what he had decided on by himself.

In essence, he was wondering what we thought of his decision!

It's like a Maumoon Cabinet meeting. He will ask advice of all Cabinet Ministers, yet in the end, he will take the decision he had originally decided. It's like he even comes to the Cabinet meeting, already decided to do what he wanted, yet feels the need to hear it from others and get reassured that what he's doing is good. And I guess it makes him feel good that he can later say "well, we all shared our opinion."

I guess human psychology is one and the same, and quite an unusual thing too, whether in friendships or politics!

Samahath Ibrahim said...

Someone who goes through the chaos with you however hard it gets. Y'know, let you know it's alright and all that jazz.