I dont know if the read a thon or the other stuff will work, but having a music show in the name of awareness is just another lame excuse for a music show... it would have been so much better to have had something that would focus more towards all of us than the Youth only... yes youth can make a difference but i know for a fact alot of people who go there arent gonna be listening to anything anyone says about disability but rather they are going because" wow look its a free music show and another place to start a trouble at and take my girlfriend to!" this might sound as if im being rather conservative but from a shit load of experiences with many many elderly people and after seeing alot of failed attempts to make people aware of things using music shows ive noticed it doesnt work.
all over the world there are people who worship and idolize celebrities, artists and famous people hence they listen to them. Isnt that the reason why they have awareness shows because people listen to them... i wonder how many people go to the Maldivian Awareness shows and listen to anything the artist says... All most people care about is there is a show and that is it.
At the moment people would eagerly listen to people who are politically active rather than an artist ... hence it would be far much more better that the president or the former president would go up on the stage and sing to make people more aware of the things they need to be, i wish the ministers or random people would go up on a stage of a place start singing id really pay alot of money to see that... Anything but a music show with ...
sigh... if you want a music show have one but stop making excuses to have one!
by the way " Please" make it possible for the disabled to live a better life by donating atleast 1 rufiyaa. they are no different than you , they can live a normal life with a little help from you!
I kinda had the same misgivings about how effective music shows were at promoting or creating awareness about causes. Wonder what the other options available are? Organizers need to come up with some creative and more effective solutions.
Its more about money than taste or creativity.
atleast the youth are doing what they can do focus on these things. if you have any questions, please email please.maldives@gmail.com.
interesting point of view. could not disagree totally...
Interesting idea about the politicians. But the last thing we need is something like this to be politicized and thereby vulgarised. Music is one common ground, wider than the political realm. It also gives us access to alot of fan bases. I reckon that's why we see many awareness shows.
Saying 'no' to a simple thing like an awareness show just makes you a harder person to get to? Happy to see you talking about it though.
I feel that this isnt gona b just another music show, you would've understood that had u been there at the inauguration of the festival.
I believe that the please campaign has achieved a lot so far, as they've created a hype through which the society has come to acknowledge people with disabilities.
The music show is a way to attract huge crowds. True, some, maybe even a lot mite not give a damn about the cause. But there would be quite a handful that could be reached. So I suggest, being a bit more optimistic is the way to go about, when this world is so full of glumness and depressing things.
There are other different ways to create awareness. www.350postcards.com is a cheap and effective way of creating a nation wide awareness about a world wide issue and its working great so far.
I feel that "please" campaign could have used a more humble approach rather than a large scale music festival as a medium to create awareness.
And this society is already aware and acknowledges disability as a social issue since long time back. The problem is not everyone knows how to play their part in helping. Volunteering and SMS donation is a small option for the everyday Maldivian to help. But I believe "please" should have focused in broadening the choices our community has for the individual maldivian to help the disabled, rather than host a music show which will be over in one day.
Naduhas post has actually raised an issue, instead of being defensive about it, listen to it. Supporting a cause isnt good enough nowadays, so tell us. HOW CAN WE ACTUALLY HELP??
It's a fucking waste of time and money to have a music show in the name of a 'cause'. the last one was held at the MCSE stage in the name of raising awareness against child abuse.
Bands like Traphic Jam went on stage and the only thing they had to say on the subject was "kudakudhinnaa nubehechchey ingey... *giggle*"
fuck traphic jam and fuck music shows in the name of causes. all everyone talks about is how sucky the band is and how fucked up the sound was that night. fuck you all.
its not interesting when maldivians start to criticize on someone who takes an initiative to do something.
to all those reading this post... what were you doing about this before you heard about 'please'. did you know the current status of maldives? did u no we have a place called CDC? did you no that we do NOT have sufficient help that we need?
NO. everyone was still talking about politics.
playing a song or two alone will not help solve an issue like this. but atleast people are talking about it.
@iya - FUCK YOU, these causes are not about musicians. or the sound. its about the information being passed. with fuckheads like you, maldives is really doomed.
all i can say is, do something on your own. eyrun ingeyny. anga aruvaala aruvaala thibbakas neyngeyne.
@anonymous:: Fuck you too, man. Information is not passed through these shows. Taking initiative is one thing, but wasting resources and money on ineffective useless shit is another.
The please show was a good idea, but ultimately it was a big waste of time.
Listen, its because of people like you that this place is fucked up. people like you who dont think shit through.
also, who the fuck are you to judge anyone, you fucking hypocrite? Its people like you who tell people to do things and dont do anything yourselves. I have seen countless asses like you. I give money to the poor. I donate my fucking blood to thalassemia patients and i raise awareness among people. I am a fucking humanitarian. I talk about things because i know this shit, dude.
go run your mouth among some ignorant people and maybe they might believe you.
Hmmm i think i should ban the anonymous commenting on my blog these anonymous people seem to be a bit yellow to come out as themselves... anyways lovely to see that my purpose has been met, awareness creators all around MALE' (not Maldives) would realize there are more to an awareness program than an awareness show. i was told that by broadcasting the "please" show live on tvm it was reaching out to the islanders. i guess its good since most of the people even in islands are more in to satellite TV than TVM. no im not against the whole please campaign, i think its great that someone is taking the initiative to do something, but most people living in Male' already knows about these things even most Maldivians acknowledge these things. ( by these things i mean not only about "please" also about the environmental issues, child abuse issues, in general the social issues that everyone wants to start a cause about and stop at it) awareness programs take time to show effects. to the anonymous who said at least the youth are doing... you are right they are doing something but at least do it right... in the music shows the people who are moved by the whole thing already knows about these things. so what was the point of having a awareness program in Male' or was it a fundraiser to help the special need children and young adults? please consider this people, keep music shows as the last option when u have awareness shows, the point is not to attract as many people to a show but to educate as much people as possible about things that needed to be done to help and minimize our social problems.
***some of you think that im saying all what i said out of ignorance because i dont know about special needs children, i have an adult cousin who has down syndrome and due to the time she was born she was quite neglected hence i know why people should be made aware, and i helped out teaching an Autistic girl and yes i know how Hard it is to reach out to them.
"its not interesting when maldivians start to criticize on someone who takes an initiative to do something."
i forgot to mention something about this, when people take initiative and when some one criticizes about it, it means there are people who are giving YOU those WHO took the initiative room to improve... if it killed your spirit to do somthing, then what was ur point in it the first place, remember rome was not built within a day and its glory still remains. you have to work harder on getting to people like ME who criticized ask for OUR help the people who criticized, find a way to get to US!!! Criticism is important whether it be your life or something you are doing... and before i heard about the "please" thing, i wasnt talking politics ( the mention of president in this whole this was sarcasm for those who didnt know it ) rather i was talking about social issues, violence, lack of efficient health care measures in Maldives.
then i dont see any reason why the musicians should not help . prob with this post is, the headline says - stop having music shows in the name of awareness.
the abled seem more disabled than the people they are trying to help.
useless in effective shit huh.. ? well lets see how much they've raised for CDC's fund.. and see how long they can last with that fund. but when thats over... how will any of you contribute?
we have nation wide issues here and still everyone's trying to criticize on others work. wtf man. seriously.. wtf. adhi mee emmen ge goals common iru vaa varu.
kaleymen faadu kiyaala kiyaala thibey mithan adi ah dhaan dhen. kameh dhas vefa thiothy.
educate kuran class eh hulhuvan v nu.. varah meehun annaane viyya.
and yes andhu, you were not talking about politics. but you were talking to urself. how many are helping you treat your autistic girl. no one else was interested in these things compared to majority. look how many peoples on this blog now.
criticizm = room to improve? how is that when your asking people to stop it.
The anonymous guy who keeps promoting the CDC obviously doesn't know that the CDC is a big failure.
Why the hell are we always “at” each other? Can’t we all just work peacefully, don’t we ever learn anything.
A small advice to the person who made this blog, my view is that it would have been better if you did not start this blog and instead go to the organizers of the shows and talk to them regarding not having shows for causes, rather then providing a platform to create enmity between ppl.
And regarding the "cause" shows, yah the bands are lame, and the sound is crap. so what, it takes a whole lotta guts for an artist to play when the sound is crappy but they still do, cause it's all for a better cause.
Maybe most of you all go to "cause" shows just to see the bands, maybe that’s why you see it as only just a show. But there are ppl like me who go there to see the bands play and as well we get something out of it.
i learned a lot from please show, cause it was not just bands performing song after song, there were information shared, and seeing a disable gal sing that nicely made me feel something inside, i don't give a damn about cdc or what so ever, but for me personally please show changed a lot. it's not about giving lots of money or things....it's about caring.
Here we are thinking about ourselves, we selfish basteds. did we ever for a second think of those for whom the cause is held for.
As i saw please was not a music show for the able it was a music show for the disable.
how many of you have seen disable children in social events....i guess hardly, but i saw disable children smiling, laughing, and enjoying the show more than all the other ppl, cause they know it was a show for them.
Seeing a disable child clap to the songs, made me say "god bless those who organized this event"........
So pls don't start blogs that have no meaning......we are Muslims and remember we will be questioned for every word, every action and every deed.........and in my view blogs like these provide hatred, anger and miscommunications for the whole society. And all this goes to the person who made this blog.
Evil comes in many ways.
Well I must say the author is right in this post. Youth just wanted a music show and yeah, I was there and saw them shouting at the host when information on disAbility was shared. But The messages in the background really did work. I can say this because I feel that was more effective. Mainly because it was youth. They dont want a host blabbering about disAbility, they just demanded more music. hehe.. But this was a good innitiative by these young people. And I applaud it.
i totally agree with what uve written in ur post. ive been saying the same thing since the whole thing began. yea, there are some ppl who actually wanna help and may have the best of intentions but a music show.....seriously? there's so many alternatives to helping the disabled.
If ppl wants to have a show or get together in groups jes so that they cud have a good time and have fun, do it somewhere else and not in the name of helping the disabled. if you guys really wanna help, sponsor one of those disabled kids there whose parents cant afford for their studies and sessions by donating MRF1000 per month. there are still many there who needs to be sponsored. music show my arse! wonder if even half the ppl who went to the show even sent an sms as a donation. but yea, we can still say "atleast they did SOMETHING even if it was a music show".
@live: many ppl DID go and make the same complain. u can even see comments made in their group. but they were determined not to deviate their ways from the show. Kept saying that they appreciate ppl commenting like that and they would like to hear other ideas on better awareness. but apparently it was all for show. cos "the show must go on". anyways like i said before, atleast they did something. but with all those ppl and minds at work there, this is what they came up with?
kaiza shozey - Is it really surprising considering what they come up with in the parliament?
This is what charities are all about. They host an event which has nothing to do with the actual charity and make money off of it.
I don't know if the Please campaign had been lucrative for its charity, but if they held a music show just to create awareness on the issue (as was implied in the post and some comments), I say why not? In this case the purpose would solely be to garner publicity to the Please campaign, and surely a televised music event served this purpose?
@canofworms : apparently it was to create awareness. but like u said...did it really serve that purpose? as someone who worked for care society in my oppinion it didnt. ive asked ppl who were actually actively participating in the Please campaign trying to bring awareness to the public....unfortunately most of them werent really aware of the issues involved themselves. but then again there have been a few who were really into the campaign and actually made some difference. but the majority....nah. apparently the whole reason why most of the ppl i asked abt it went there was cos it was a good way to make friends and to hook up. :s
last i checked there are still over 20 students there who desperately needs the sponsor. its jes Rf1000 per month. wanna help? then jes call them up and sign up for it.
kaiza shozey - arra, i just asked your friends and apparently you're really here to get into nadhu's pants. you little wanker, don't you get it? get a life.
wow, im flattered that you would go to all the trouble to follow my every move and then go to my 'friends' to see what the motive behind it is. but seriously 'mouse'(o.O), thats jes being weird. get a hobby o sumthin :)
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