Great game ... but luck was with home...
Once a LFC fan ALWAYS one... and I still think they are the best and have great potential to win next time...
anyways catch ya in june on more football... EURO yay!

At first when we planned to get married, we had our parents fussing all over us. We knew a day would come that when they would be visiting us and us visiting them and we will have to tolerate them. Its one thing when u can barely tolerate your own parents another when its someone else’s. So we decided to spend a month with each others parents and came up with a list, (this is just after our marriage) that was our little secret and our parents didn’t have to know about it.
We named it “what I don’t like about your mother!”
Here is mine and his when we first started out
1- I hate the way she always grabs my chin
2- Hates the way she always want to feed me
3- Hate the way she makes me feel that I stole something that was her to keep
4- Keeps insisting on babies
5- She thinks I spend too much money on magazines rather than saving them
1- hates her showing off how her cooking is better than yours
2- hates the way she makes me feel that I don’t treat you right
3- I hate it when she thinks I don’t make enough money and offers some
4- Hate it when she asks when I am turning her in to a grandma.
5- She threw away my playboy magazines
What started out as four has now increased in to hundreds! We make sure that we plan ahead when either of them is coming for a visit. Just to ensure that we can smile without blowing a fuse. How long have been married? We’ve been married nine months and they had visited us twice.