i wouldnt... because it would be standing out.
anyways why am i bringing this up... its coz because i want to talk about a beautiful seductress goddess that has been portrayed in our history books, movies and cartoons and novels. cleopratra.
she is one of the worlds most influential women of her time and most beautiful apparently. and guess what? a known fact is she wore a beard too occasionally of course. so next time some guy complain about a girl having beard well tell that its a cleo trend.
you dont believe me??? heres why she wore it.
in ancient Egyptian time, the pharaohs were considered divine and they resembled the supreme power aka GODs.
As a reminder to his people of his divine birthright, Pharaoh would wear certain stuff:
Pharaoh would wear a false beard made from goat's hair. This would be worn during festivals and public appearances, and would identify the king with Osiris.
In one hand he would hold a sceptre in the form of a shepherd's crook known as a Heka (meaning "ruler" and also associated with magic). This symbolised Pharaoh's guiding and reassuring nature.
In the other hand he would hold a fly whip called the Nekhakha, a symbol of his power and authority.
He would also wear the Shemset apron and his back would be protected by a bull's tail hanging from his belt (a symbol of strength).
as we all know that Cleopatra was once a ruler queen of Egypt, she went as far as wearing the goat hair ceremonial beard...
so its not such a bad idea for females to grow facial hair ... occasionaly.

i dunno about those pharoahs and their gods n all, but let me tell u, theres definitely something really weird or gay about a guy who finds beards on women appealing. i dont mind if they have hair as long as its not that long or thick. i dont like those all clean shaken gals too. makes them look jes plain weird.
Are we running out of ideas/things to do? I dont mean to offend you. But i cant understand why women has to ware facial hair. Theres nothing appealing about it. Im not saying it isnt sexy when some girls have bit of naturally grown hair above their lips (not bold ones) but to have an artificial beard on them? Forgive me for laughing, but thats such a stupid idea.
Personally for me, comfort comes first.
it seems cleopatra's beauty is an invention of Hollywood. in reality the egyptian queen happens to be a thick-necked, hook-nosed, lipless ball of flab who might actually have had a natural moustache. or a wispy beard for that matter. far from the conventional beauty standards we associate with her after watching Liz Taylor's portrayal of the conniving seductress.
and marc antony looks like he deserves her.
as for your preference of facial hair on women, whatever rocks your boat. it cud be worse. (read vorarephilia). so me no judge. who knows, a little searching on the net, and you might find a subset of testosterone-imbibing lesbians who echo your sentiments.
anon two thats why i mentioned " beautiful apparently" i think it was elizabeth taylor who made her beautiful in real life i think she was a rich seductress who lured men to their doom
mea culpa. me and my skimming. but i agree with you, bearded ladies are cool. if men can shave, why cant women not shave?
so whats the lesson here? that even women with beards can seduce emperors and kings? how magical.
oh my god andhu! are you trying to get a beard and is this ur justification to urself that its alright to have one? *whistle*
gosh aanu i have enough trouble with starky calling me a boy and the married oldies calling me a boy where the wife sometime doubts that i am even a girl and now u are saying tht... the reason was tht some guys tease innocents about lil beards and mustaches they have so im just saying thts its ok some one who was famous wore it too so its legal... beside tht im just sharing an interesting bit of info..
their choice i must say
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