when you seen the other side of the life we appreciate things alot more. when i reached the shores of malaysia and landed in KL i was quite excited to go start the college but once i reached the hostel it totally disgusted me well for one thing the toilets werent that good. i thought i was gonna go sick so i moved to a friends apartment and am currently sharing it with him. well that was it... i was in a clean and better place which wasnt that close to my college. (Transport is expensive here).
for as they say "Hari rai" (EID) i got two weeks holiday and i spent the last four to five days in a nearly uninhabited island called the perhentian (small) island. thats i guess the closest i could feel to home here in malay. the place was nice maybe the sand wasnt as white as ours or the water was blue like the maldivian blue. but still it was a cool place to be. i didnt mind the smelly huts with bad bed - but when i saw the toilets there i started to appreciate the hostel toilets more, i guess i can move to the hostel and be happy with the shower now. but i still prefer the apartment.
my trip it was awesome. one of the best holidays i ve had totally roughing it. imagine the movie " the beach" you ll get the picture of the holiday i had. :)