i stare at the stranger in the glass
she looks exactly like me
but who is that
and who am i?
thats the stranger the whole world looks at
but i am the person inside she
the true self they should see
yet thats the image they judge as me...
she looks exactly like me
but who is that
and who am i?
thats the stranger the whole world looks at
but i am the person inside she
the true self they should see
yet thats the image they judge as me...
me cindy crawford pos dho. emeyzin
eiy hama naduha =p
i have this theory that ppl who wear specs usually look even better without 'em :D
why don't u switch to contact lens?
cindy crawford who???
nass: i wear contacts but not always because i cant fall asleep on my key board wearing them
i always admire a person for their deeds, their attitude, their self. This portrait is a cute one, very cute one actually. But the person u r, is a more beautiful one.
andhu you look stunning here...
see i told you dho, you look much better with out the specs :)
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